When was the last time you had a read-a thon? For me I think it has been since elementary, this weekend my sisters and I had a read-a thon a certain vampire book! Yeah the beloved Breaking Dawn was released and you bet we where there at midnight to pick up our copy. Thank You Robyn for reserving all of us a copy! and Thank you Amy for inviting me to come along so that I could finish the book this weekend. A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to DILLON for letting me go and taking care of things while I was gone your the best!!

I pre-ordered the book, thinking about how when Eclipse was released they were sold out for weeks and I couldn't get a copy. Apperently book stores everywhere are overflowing with Breaking Dawn, while I wait in antcipation for my book to come in the mail. So many times I've almost just gone and bought it. So here I sit, patiently waiting, sad that I still don't know what is happening with Bella/Edward/Jacob. Sob. I'm jealous you got to read it.
I had a great time at the marareadthon as well...where is the new post?
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