Friday, January 25, 2008

A boy and his dog

Gage loves Lexi, he could play outside with her all day if we let him.
This paticular day Dad was doing something on the roof and so he let Lexi
out for a bit so she could run around, Gage was loving watching her run around
in the snow and enjoyed some yummy licks from her as well.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Just wanted to do a quick update, I know I haven't blogged in awhile I've spent the last week in St. George taking care of my niece and nephews while Bob and Robyn enjoyed some much needed R&R with her family on a cruise.
The week went well there where definitely times that I thought to myself why did I say I would do this? Keep in mind that there youngest Gilbert is just 10 days younger then Gage and Gwyn is just 15 months older then Gil so lets just say I was very busy!! The boys had a great time playing together, I had to break up some fights of course and Gwyn thought it was great when Gage would chase here around the house. Abe and Tucker where pretty helpful, they did try to see what they could get away with of course (Boys).
I'm glad that I was able to help out and it was fun to spend time with the Lamoreaux's because even though I see them quite a bit its just not the same as spending some quality time together.
Love you guys.