Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just Because

I know I've been horrible about updating the blog, I've had lots of ideas and events to update with just never got around to it so I'm doing just a little something to get started again and then hopefully I can stay more up to date.This girl loves to be outside, she is crazy about bouncing on the tramp, love the static electric hair!

We finally broke down and got Gage a bike. He loves it and always wants to go on bike rides.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year

Mia is nine months old and I can't believe how fast time is going by she is crawling around every where and starting to pull herself up on everything!! She thinks shes pretty big, yep she still has those cheeks
Gage is full of life this is his favorite gum we bought a brand new box and by the end of the day it was gone! He loves to put as many pieces in his month before we notice what he's doing and then he'll chew it for a few minutes and then say "its yucky" oh we love this boy he is always making us laugh.

Dillon, Laura and mostly Gage
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